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Articles and contents are important for your website, it's the base of it and search engines will judge your website firstly by its content. Visitors to your website are looking for content they need too. In your articles, keywords are extremely important to attract clicks and visitors to your site. You need to know what keywords to use and how to use them the most effectively.
Among all the things to consider, keyword density is one of the key factor. Our keyword density checker is a free online tool you can use to run a quick scan for your webpage, no matter it is from your own or your competitor's. So that you can get a full report for your competitor and check if your webpage is also doing the right way. Besides, if the page is not published yet, you can easily choose to check by text input, simply copy and paste the content and submit. That's it, within seconds a full report will be delivered for you.
We decide to develop this keyword density checker tool, because we know that some junior marketers in this field are still doing the keyword stuffing like jobs everyday, which is completely wrong. The problem is they are not aware of it. By using our tool, you don't need to actually publish your content online, to make it alive so that you can check it and then modify it. Instead, you can check it before the publishing, so that you can correct it accordingly.
We found that the existing checkers in the market are generally working in the same way: count the repeating times for each word in one article and divide the total word number. This may be an easy way for such goal, but it's definitely not the perfect way. We decide to do more.
Our keyword density checker will calculate the frequency and percentage for one-word to four-word term for your analyzing. And will detect if they exist in meta title, meta description (You can use our Meta Tag Analyzer tool for advanced meta tag checking). The result will be sorted by keyword frequency, and grouped by one-word to four-word terms. Advanced options such as stopword min-length limitation, can be freely customized for the checking procedure.
Our free keyword density calculator tool is designed easy to use, all you need to do is some input and clicks.
First, at the checker page (https://helpofai.com/seo/keyword-density-checker), the place you already are, in the "URL Input" text box, input the target URL you're going to analyze. If you want to check by text in case your content is in draft status, click the "Text Input" tab, and paste the content in the textarea. Then click the check button. On receiving your request, our powerful and intelligent tool will fetch the target website content and do the keyword density calculation job. The full report will be generated for you in a few seconds.
In the report, you will get the top keywords frequency and density percentage. If you find it's lower or higher compared to the normal level, you can make change to your webpage to content then. If you're checking for a competitor's content, you can get an idea about what top keywords it is using and its keyword density level too.
When you choose to check percentage by URL input, we will fetch the HTML content and only the content within body tag will be used, to make the result accurate. Furthermore, tags are not used to calculate density, as what the search engines do.
The short answer is, it depends. There is not a best keyword density for all search engines and all contents. Each search engine has its own unique algorithm, and the accepted density varies when it's about different topic contents. Whereas, the most accepted number of range is below 3% for common purposes. We suggest that we should write natural content and make the keyword occur naturally.
Whenever you search for something in Google you only see what ranks. You don't see the hundreds or thousands of pages that have been filtered for pushing too hard.
If you are in the dark on what density levels are reasonable, consider patterning your approach after what is working right now.
Keep in mind that some highly trusted brands rank more based on their brand strength than the on-page content, thus if you are creating content for a newer & less-trusted website you would likely be better off putting more weight on results from smaller & lesser known websites which still managed to rank well in Google.
There is no single optimal or universal keyword density percentage. Each search query is unique & search engines compare (or normalize) documents against other top documents to determine some of their specific thresholds. Some keywords like "credit cards" naturally appear as a two word phrase, whereas other terms may be more spread out. Further, some highly trusted websites with great awareness, strong usage data & robust link profiles can likely get away with more repetition than smaller, less trusted sites can.
As a general rule-of-thumb, when it comes to keyword frequency...
When Google rolled out the first Penguin update in April of 2012, they also rolled out some on-page classifiers which penalized some pages that had excessive word repetition.
Lazy & uninformed cheap outsourced writing tends to be fairly repetitive - in part because people paid by the word to churn out cheap content have an incentive to bloat the word count, no incentive to trim the fat, and no incentive to do deep research. Google's leaked remote rater guidelines tells raters to rate low-information repetitive content poorly.
In this day and age the primary use of these types of analysis tools is not to keep dialing up the keyword density, but rather to lower the focus on the core terms while including alternate word forms, accronyms, synonyms & other supporting vocabulary.
Due to web spam, density by itself is a fairly poor measure of relevancy (see slides 17 through 20 in this 2004 PDF from Google's Amit Singhal).
Early / primitive search technology was not very sophisticated due to hardward & software limitations. Those limitations forced early search engines like Infoseek to rely heavily on page titles and other on-page document scoring for relevancy scoring. Over the past 15 years search engines have grown far more powerful due to Moore's law. That has allowed them to incorporate additional data into their relevancy scoring algorithms. Google's big advantage over earlier competitors was analyzing link data.
These types of tools are still quite valuable when used with the right strategies. The above points were referenced trying to fix old issues from outdated tips & was really just mentioning how 'optimizing' for some arbitrary exact density often misses the mark.
Using analysis tools can still help you uncover a lot of opportunities, including:
When I first got in the SEO game I remember some tools trying to tell me to tweak into these stupid arbitrary exact percentages & realizing (after the fact) how futile that was only fuled my rage toward such software. So we created this free tool to serve the legitimate functions of keyword density tools AND warn against some of the futile (& even counter-productive) uses as well. ;)
Besides the check by URL way, our keyword density tool provides the option to directly submit text content, if it's not published yet. If you choose to check by text submission, we want to claim that we do not store or view the content. Your privacy is highly respected.
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