Overview of Artificial Intelligence

Overview of Artificial Intelligence

Table of Contents


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the department of computer science involved with making intelligent machines that perform and learn like humans. It is interested in the development of algorithms and computer programs that can execute tasks that normally need human intelligence.

AI research is divided into specialized subfields that often fail to communicate with each other due to social/cultural factors and technical issues. There is no specified unifying idea navigating AI research, and researchers disagree on multiple issues.

The field of AI research encompasses a broad range of objectives, including the development of systems capable of reasoning, acquiring and utilizing knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception, and object manipulation. Achieving general intelligence, or “strong AI,” represents a long-term goal of the discipline. To this end, researchers have explored various approaches, including statistical methods, computational intelligence, and traditional symbolic AI. AI tools, such as search algorithms, mathematical optimization techniques, logic frameworks, probability models, and economic analyses, have proven useful in advancing the field. As you delve into the study of AI, you will gain an understanding of its meaning, goals, significance, early contributions, and standard methodologies.

1.1 What is AI?

The field of artificial intelligence encompasses the programming of computer systems to carry out tasks that would normally require human intelligence. In the realm of information security, various AI technologies are used, such as Artificial Neural Networks, expert systems, and genetic algorithms. These applications have been developed with the aim of bolstering the overall safety and efficacy of digital security measures.

As technology continues to advance, the field of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly popular. With numerous applications under development, AI is being used to make computers smarter by devising computer programs that can carry out tasks that would normally require human intelligence. The research in AI is focused on developing computational approaches to intelligent behavior, with the aim of improving overall safety and efficacy of digital security measures. Various AI technologies, such as Artificial Neural Networks, expert systems, and genetic algorithms, are being used in the realm of information security to bolster security measures.

  1. Making machines more useful.
  2. Understanding intelligence.

The computer programs with which AI is involved are mainly symbolic processes interesting sophistication, uncertainty, and ambiguity. These processes are usually those for which algorithmic solutions do not exist and a search is required. Thus, AI deals with the types of problem-solving and decision-making humans continually face in dealing with the world.

1.1.1 Goals of AI

The problem of simulating intelligence has specific sub-problems. Researchers want intelligent systems to display particular traits. These traits receive the most attention.

Deduction, Reasoning, and Problem Solving

Early AI researchers developed algorithms to imitate human reasoning for problem-solving and logical deductions. By the late 1980s and 1990s, AI research successfully incorporated probability and economic concepts to handle uncertain or incomplete information.

AI research prioritizes finding more efficient problem-solving algorithms. Complex issues often need significant computational resources and partake a “combinatorial explosion” beyond a specific size.

Humans rely on intuitive judgments rather than a step-by-step deduction to solve problems. AI has made progress in imitating this “sub-symbolic” problem-solving through embodied agent approaches, neural net research, and statistical approaches to mimic human guessing.

Knowledge Representation

An ontology is a collection of concepts within a specific field and the relationships between them.

 Figure 1.1: Knowledge Representation 

When conducting research on artificial intelligence, it is important to have a robust understanding of knowledge representation and engineering. The creation of ontologies serves as a crucial basis for establishing what exists within the scope of knowledge.

1.2 Importance of Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence involves designing and building rational systems, and it offers several benefits:

  • This process is more general as analogized to the laws of the study approach.
  • This approach answers to science than to the techniques based on human conduct or thought.
  • The first computer program instructed to defeat the champ chess player was Hi-tech. Limited academic abilities are needed for chess techniques.
  • Artificial Intelligence is divided into many branches. One of these is search programs that study various probabilities, such as chess game moves. Additionally, different methods are being developed to carry out tasks more efficiently. Logical Artificial Intelligence focuses on mathematical logic programs, while pattern recognition programs compare patterns to identify matches, such as matching the eyes and nose to a police ID. Epistemology is the study of different types of knowledge required to solve problems.
  • The voice recognition program currently struggles with recognizing every word, but it is making gradual progress. This technology is especially helpful for people with disabilities who use computers.
  • Computers can now perform tasks beyond imagination. However, by 2020, they may become more intelligent than humans. Despite this, we still have control over computers and can turn them off if they fail to perform.

1.2.1 Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

AI in manufacturing is a wide field. One example is an interactive note-taking system for pen-based computers with two unique features. A software agent is a learning tool that uses machine learning to analyze and understand user information’s syntax and semantics. The machine learning component acquires knowledge for higher-level processing. Performance is similar to that of a somewhat trainable discourse module that needs manual customization for per domain. The central model assumes the learner is embedded within an environment of related learning tasks, and explicit bounds were derived showing that learning multiple tasks within an environment of related tasks could potentially lead to better generalization than learning a single task.

Hi there! AI-powered applications have been a game-changer for businesses! They can solve complex problems by using algorithms that mimic human intelligence. These algorithms can be adapted to meet specific requirements.

1.2.2 Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services

Banks utilize AI systems for organizing operations, investing in stocks, and managing properties. In August 2001, robots outperformed humans in a simulated financial trading competition.

Financial institutions have been utilizing artificial neural network systems to identify unusual charges or claims and alert human investigators.

Creative Virtual has deployed AI-powered assistants at HSBC and Lloyds Banking Group to assist with financial services tasks such as account balance checking, credit card sign-ups, and password retrieval.

1.2.3 Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of study that focuses on computational processes that simulate intelligent behavior, including problem-solving, decision-making, and learning. The field is unique in its emphasis on understanding and building intelligent entities with the potential to automate intelligent processes. Although AI has had a significant impact on many fields, there is a paucity of literature on its applications to marketing. Nonetheless, AI systems have been developed to assist marketers in various areas such as market forecasting, process automation, decision-making, and task efficiency. Neural networks and expert systems are utilized by these systems to process input and provide output for marketers. Additionally, AI can be deployed to analyze social networks on the Web, allowing marketers to identify influential actors or nodes within networks and take a societal marketing approach. Despite its benefits, AI’s potential impact on the workforce’s need for humans and the ethical issues surrounding these systems is a debated topic.

Sophisticated data analysis techniques are employed to gain insights into customer behavior and facilitate enhancements to products and services, such as prolonging the lifespan of light bulbs or ensuring accurate medication dosages.

1.2.4 Artificial Intelligence in HR

The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in various business applications has witnessed a significant surge in recent times. This growth can be attributed to the emergence of web-enabled infrastructure and the continuous development and refinement of AI technology. With its diverse range of capabilities and potential applications, AI has proven to be a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their operations, enhance customer experience, and gain a competitive edge in their respective industries. As such, the integration of AI into business processes is becoming increasingly popular among organizations of all sizes and sectors.

Computers excel at performing mechanical computations with fixed rules. They are efficient at simple tasks, unlike humans. However, they struggle with understanding specific situations and adapting to new ones. Artificial Intelligence aims to enhance their performance in complex tasks.

It is fascinating how much research in Artificial Intelligence is helping us understand our intelligent behavior. Our approach to problem-solving is based on abstract thought, high-level deliberative reasoning, and pattern recognition. AI can recreate this process, potentially enabling us to enhance it beyond our current capabilities. The study focuses on discussing the appointment of managers in enterprises through the fuzzy neural network, constructing a new model for the evaluation of managerial talent, and accordingly developing a decision support system in human resource selection. The research methods used in the study include reviewing the literature, in-depth interviews, questionnaire surveys, and fuzzy neural networks.

HOA TaskGo through various websites for the definition of AI.

Caution Have proper knowledge of all procedures before applying the AI.

Self Assessment

Please suggest whether the following information are accurate or inaccurate.:

  1. One way to describe AI is as the field of creating intelligent machines through science and engineering.
  2. AI research heavily relies on knowledge representation and knowledge engineering.
  3. There is no specific branch of Artificial Intelligence.
  4. Many banks today rely on advanced AI systems to streamline their operations, make smart investments in stocks, and effectively manage their properties.
  5. AI deals with the types of problem-solving and decision-making that humans continually face in dealing with the world.

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