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This chapter concludes the research thesis by comparing preoptimisation and post-optimisation analyses during July 2013. Also, provide Recommendations and some suggestions for possible future research directions.

8.1 Comparison between optimisation analysis and post-optimisation analysis

The researcher utilised the Google Analytics (GA) Tool to compare the outcomes before and after the implementation of SEO. To avail of the GA tool, a JavaScript snippet is incorporated into the HTML of the blog theme, which is executed every time a page is viewed. The data is then collected based on the selected date range. While setting the report’s date range, the ‘compare to past’ option is checked, allowing the specification of a second span of dates to be visually compared. The comparison was conducted in July.

The first period was from 1 Jul to 15 Jul; the Second period was from 16 Jul to 31 Jul, as shown in Figure 8.1.

Adjusting the Time Range
Figure 8.1: Adjusting the Time Range

Next, Figures will display the differences between these periods concerning Ranking, Traffic, Usage and Visitors. 

8.1.1 Ranking 

The researcher has compared keyword search and link performance between the two periods of July month and found significant improvement after implementing SEO: 1)Ranks in the search results when using the keyword “Oyun Al Quds” in mainstream search engines including Google, Bing and Yahoo!, 2)Number of IBLs

(websites which include a link to the searched site) returned when entering the word “link:” followed by the blog’s URL in Google. Figure 8.2 shows the most common keywords found by the Google crawler as it navigates the Website. From here, if the researcher noticed unexpected or unrelated keywords, then that’s usually an indication that the Web site may have been hacked and hidden keywords have been injected into Web pages. Figure 8.3 shows the number of IBLs, which were excellent compared with the preoptimisation analysis.

Keywords Analysis
Figure8.2: Keywords Analysis
 Inbound-Links Analysis
Figure8.3: Inbound-Links Analysis

8.1.2 Traffic

To better understand the nature of the traffic increases, the researcher has used GA’s segmentation options to identify subsets of visitors based on how they arrived at the Website. There are three sorts of References:

  • Search Traffic: Any impacts to the page from a search engine, including Google*, Bing, Yahoo, and others.
  • Referral Traffic: Any hits from other Web sites, such as blogs, directories, social media sites, etc.
  • Direct Traffic: Traffic that does not reach from a search engine or a referring Website. For example, direct traffic can come from people typing the Website address in their browsers or clicking bookmarks on the Website. Also contained in plain traffic statistics are visits from untraceable origins, such as mobile applications.

Figure 8.4 shows overall; Search Traffic has the most significant percentage, equal to “46.2%”, Direct Traffic has a rate of “42.3%”, and Referral Traffic has a ratio of “11.5%”. This validates that visitors can be generally identified as Search Traffic; however, the majority of the increase in traffic can be attributed to search engines. So, it is clear that SEO affects Website Traffic because it has increased.

*Google uses cookies to determine whether a visitor has recently visited the site.  

The _utma cookie is utilised for tracking this statistic and has a time-to-live of 2 years. While this is a generally reliable measure, cookies are not always accurate, as they cannot account for visitors using more than one device or removing cookies over time.

Google Analytics Traffic Sources
Figure 8.4: Google Analytics Traffic Sources

8.1.3 Website Usage 

This section includes basic information about page views, average time-on-page, bounce rate, and exit percentage. As the researcher has observed in Figure 8.5, a  pattern is up in the second half of July Month, which means an increase in Website Usage. So, SEO also impacts the Website Usage simply.

Google Analytics  Comparison Pages views
Figure 8.5: Google Analytics  Comparison Pages views

8.1.4 Visitors  

Visits: The entire digit of visiting the Website. 

New Visitors: The percentage of visitors who visited the Web site for the first time. Most Website owners will want a good balance of new and producing visitors.

In Figure 8.6, the researcher observed that the second half of July month has very different numbers from the first. All new and returned visitors have mainly increased. There were “54” visitors watched, while it was only “2”. So this shows the impact of SEO, which affects the Web site by increasing the number of visitors and the visibility.   

Google Analytics Comparison Visitors Types
Figure8.6: Google Analytics Comparison Visitors Types

8.2 Conclusion 

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a strategic process of optimising a website to enhance its visibility and ranking on popular search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. As search engines are the primary source of new websites and brand discovery, effective SEO is critical for businesses to achieve their marketing objectives. The key to optimising a website’s placement in search engines lies in understanding the criteria used to evaluate websites and enhancing the Website’s features accordingly.

One recent article titled “Five Pillars of SEO in the Year 2012” highlights high-level criteria that businesses should consider, including Inbound Links (IBLs), Content, Social Mentions, Accessibility, Usability, Availability, Keyword Density and Relevance, and Trust and Authority. By optimising these criteria, businesses can significantly improve their Website’s search engine ranking and visibility.

To achieve optimal SEO, businesses must continually evaluate and enhance their Website’s features based on the latest search engine evaluation criteria. By doing so, companies can achieve higher search engine rankings, increase website traffic, and ultimately achieve their marketing objectives.

Table 8.1: SEO and Web site

CategoryDescriptionImplementation in Web site
Visibility  • Implement SEO techniques and tools: Keywords, Analysis, On-site, and Off-site. • Implement SEO techniques and tools: Keywords, Analysis, On-site and Off-site. 
Keyword Density and RelevanceMaking a website accessible to search engines is as crucial as to humans. Because search engines could get most visitors to the Website. Search engines prefer websites that are fully accessible and have text-based navigation (no Flash or JavaScript). Accessibility also includes adding alt-tag descriptions to all images on the Website.Making a website accessible to search engines is as crucial as to humans. Because search engines could get most visitors to the Website. Search engines prefer websites that are fully accessible and have text-based navigation (no Flash or JavaScript). Accessibility also includes adding alt-tag descriptions to all images on the Website.
Accessibility Google Keyword Tool– Use it to find relevant keywords. Webmaster Tools– Use it to view the status of the index Web site and Content Keyword. Making a website accessible to search engines is as crucial as to humans. Because search engines could get most visitors to the Website. Search engines prefer websites that are fully accessible and have text-based navigation (no Flash or JavaScript). Accessibility also includes adding alt-tag descriptions to all images on the Website.
Usability•  GA – Use it to generate detailed statistics about the visitors to the WordPress site.   Create a Google+ page, Facebook Fan Page, YouTube channel and Twitter Page. WordPress SEO by Yoast– Use it to put popular social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus buttons on the Home page and Link visitors with them to share the site easily. 
ContentWordPress SEO by Yoast– Use it to create SEO-friendly meta tags, title tags, indexation, etc.    Websites that rank well in search results and retain visitors depend upon not only high-quality content but also the correct format and delivery.
Social Mentions Create a Google+ page, Facebook Fan Page, YouTube channel and Twitter Page. WordPress SEO by Yoast– Use it to put popular social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus buttons on the Home page and Link visitors with them to share the site easily. Create a Google+ page, Facebook Fan Page, YouTube channel and Twitter Page. WordPress SEO by Yoast– Use it to put popular social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus buttons on the Home page and Link visitors with them to share the site easily. 
Trust         and AuthoritySearch engines determine trust through the quantity and quality of IBLs on a web page. Search engines use links to establish the credibility of the Web site. If a Web site receives a lot of links, then Google will trust this Web site and be an authority on the subject matter. As a result, off-site optimisation is essential to establish trust and power for a Web site on a particular subject or theme.     Search engines determine trust through the quantity and quality of IBLs on a web page. Search engines use links to establish the credibility of the Web site. If a Web site receives a lot of links, then Google will trust this Web site and be an authority on the subject matter. As a result, off-site optimisation is essential to establish trust and power for a Web site on a particular subject or theme.     

8.3 Future Work

They are improving search engines, whether programming or ready Plugins, is an essential process for webmasters on the Internet. In Future work, the researcher will continue to monitor the Website, including its PR, IBLs, internal links, index status and basic/most widely used keywords on pages. He will continue to monitor competition Web sites, their SEO factors and methods used to take advantage of them. He will continue to learn more about his visitors and segment them into groups such as geo-information and usage trends. He also will continue to monitor SEO forums, blogs, and other sources for changes that may occur in how Web sites should be optimised. He will follow the latest updates from the search engines and their differences in the criteria adopted in evaluating sites each year, month and day. 

Another approach could be for the researcher to use other standard tools such as Jetpack After Deadline, Related Posts, and Tag Cloud to improve the content. WPtouch,

Semantic URLs to improve the accessibility and Force Gzip, W3 Total Cache, Google Analytics for WordPress, WP-stats-dashboard, and FeedBurner Stats by DevMD to improve usability. The researcher also will use analytics tools such as heat maps to examine individual users’ habits. He will study the Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and PPC (called cost per click) factors to apply them to his Web sites. 

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