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2.3 Background of Search Engine Optimisation

2.3.4 Off-Site Optimization (Link Building)

Backlinks, or BL, are a crucial factor in the ranking algorithms of major search engines. A backlink refers to a hyperlink originating from an external site and directing traffic to a target site. The relevance of the text used in the backlink, also known as the anchor text, is a decisive factor for all the major search engines. Specifically, search engines consider the context in which the anchor text is used. For instance, a link to a sports site that says “baseball” would be regarded as relevant, while one that says “cars” would be deemed irrelevant.

While the number of BLs is a factor for search algorithms used by Yahoo and MSN, Google emphasises the quantity and quality of BLs. Google assigns a PageRank (PR) to each page in its index according to a logarithmic number scale ranging from 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest score. Google places more weight on BLs from higher PR sites, which are considered more valuable. Therefore, the quality of BLs is paramount in search engine optimisation. PageRank Algorithm

As you probably know, Google considers various factors when deciding which pages to show you in search results. While PageRank (PR) is essential, it’s not the only one. A low PR can indeed be a sign of issues, and a high PR can indicate that your website is doing well, but other factors play a role in how Google ranks your pages. So, it’s essential to focus on improving your website’s overall performance and not just boosting your PR.

Here is PR Algorithm: PR(A)=(1-d)+d(PR(t1)/C(t1)+…PR(tn)/C(tn))Where:

PR = PageRank A = Web page A d = A damping factor, usually assigned to 0.85 t1….tn = Pages linking to Web page A C = the number of OBLs from page tn Here are a few essential points that describe more or less how it works: o As soon as a page joins the Google index; it has an inherent.

A page has PR only if Google indexes it.

  • When you place a link on a page pointing to another page, the page with the link votes for the page it’s pointing to.
  • Linking to another page doesn’t reduce the PR of the source page, but it does improve the PR of the receiving page.
  • Pages with no links out of them are smashing PR; they don’t get to vote for other pages.
  • A single link from a dependent page can channel that PR back into your website.
  • The page receiving the inbound link brings the most significant growth.
  • Note that Websites don’t contain PR. Web pages have PR.
  • You can improve your PR by expanding the number of page pages because every page is born with a PR and getting links to the site from outside.
  • Huge sites = Greater PR
  • You can use the Google Toolbar to calculate PR. Link Building (Backlinks, Inbound Links “IBLs”)

Link building is an essential component of SEO. It involves creating inbound links (IBLs) for your website. IBLs refer to links from other websites to your site and are also known as “in-links” in some search engine research papers. Backlinks (BL) indicate the number of IBLs from other blogs and websites. In the SEO industry, the number of BLs shows a website’s popularity or importance, and having more IBLs typically leads to better search engine rankings. In other words, your blog will begin to gain authority, and the chances of achieving a better PR in the next update will increase. Link Building Benefits

Having a good number of inbound links (IBLs) from high-quality websites is a significant factor in determining your Google PageRank (PR). As Part of their search algorithm, Google considers the links pointing to a site to indicate whether it is a good match for a search. Each inbound link to a site is regarded as a vote for that site, and the more votes a site receives, the higher it is viewed by Google. Getting incoming links from authoritative websites is a surefire way to improve your website’s ranking in Google search results.
Useful link building doesn’t mean building unlimited links; it means bringing genuine links from a dedicated website. Therefore, the advantages of link-building can be summarised as follows:

  1. More acceptable visibility of your blog in search results.
  2. The high-quality incoming link indicates your site will be admired as a helpful resource. This could be quickly done by writing quality content.
  3. Link building helps in acquiring indexed search results quickly.
  4. It helps you to obtain traffic from other Web sites linked to you.
  5. Quick index when you publish articles. BackLinks Basic Rules
  1. Links from sites that are related are usually more helpful than links from sites that aren’t related.
  2. Links from pages with high PR are much more valuable than those with low PR.
  3. Virtually all incoming links to your site have some value, even if the pages have a very low PR or are not contextual. It may not be much of a deal, but it’s there.
  4. The more links on a page that indicate your website the lower the value of the link to your website because the vote is being communicated.
  5. Links are even more valuable when they include keywords because they tell the search engines what the referenced site is about. Ways to get and increase Backlinks on Web site
  1. Submit to Article, Classifies and CSS, RSS Directories and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
  2. Submit to notifications sites and newsletters.
  3. Ask friends, family, employees, and other websites.
  4. Contact Association sites.
  5. Contact the company you do business with.
  6. Contact e-mail newsletters.
  7. Send out Press Release
  8. Share Documents, Photos, and videos
  9. Create a blog
  10. Post in Forums and discussion groups.
  11. Optimise Comments
  12. Use link-building software and services.
  13. Apply for online AdWords
  14. Advertise
  15. Create Community in Social Networking Sites
  16. Social Bookmarking
  17. Just wait…

2.4 Importance of SEO

Search engines account for nearly 90 per cent of all Web traffic. When users conduct search queries, they are presented with thousands, if not millions, of results. If your website does not appear on the first page of search results for keywords relevant to your site, you risk missing out on a significant amount of traffic. This is because many users do not typically venture beyond the first page of results. Correct keywords, inbound linkage, compelling content, and META tags are necessary to increase your website’s ranking in popular search engines. Proper implementation of search engine optimisation (SEO) can benefit your website, such as increased traffic and visibility.

Implementing an effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategy can significantly benefit your website. Firstly, it can drastically reduce your advertising expenses by increasing your search engine results, minimising the need for costly advertising campaigns. Secondly, the content on your website will rank higher in search engine indexes, leading to increased monthly referrals. Thirdly, your overall site ranking will improve in the search engine index. It’s important to note that the quality and type of content featured on your website play a critical role in determining the number of search engine referrals you receive. By implementing good SEO practices, you can ensure better results and increased visibility for your website. Finally, SEO can help improve your website’s popularity, resulting in other website owners linking to your content—the more unique and high-quality your content, the greater the number of direct referrals you’ll receive.

2.5 How Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Works

Online marketing for websites can be done through SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). SEO aims to enhance the visibility of your website by focusing on relevant keywords, which increases your chances of appearing higher on search engine sites. Unfortunately, some dishonest vendors may misrepresent SEO due to its relatively new nature. To avoid being misled, search for “Keywords” on Google and observe the bar below the logo. It should show approximately 928,000,000 results for the said keyword.

Number of Pages Results Example
Figure 2.6: Number of Pages Results Example

Notably, Google has identified nearly 928 million pages containing a specific term. However, what’s truly fascinating is how Google has organised these pages into a ranked order, with the most relevant ones appearing first and the rest following in a descending sequence down to the 928 millionth page. This is made possible by the power of search engines, which utilise tens of thousands of computers to analyse over 98 billion pages, providing instantaneous results in seconds. Indeed, this is an impressive feat of modern technology.

  • How does Google do it?
  • How does Google evaluate and compare pages?
  • How do different search engines (Yahoo, America Online AOL, MSN…) accomplish the exact?

The exact workings of search engines are not fully known, as they prefer to keep their methods a secret. However, we can provide a general understanding of how they operate. When you search for a term on Google, it initially looks for pages that contain the exact phrase. It then searches for pages with words close to each other, followed by pages with the words scattered throughout. The order in which pages are displayed may not necessarily follow this sequence, as search engines evaluate pages based on various criteria. They consider several factors, such as the location of the words on the page, both visible and in the HTML source code. The weight of each word found is also considered, with certain positions and formats given more importance than others.

How Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Works
Figure2.7: How Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Works

2.6 Website Types

There are two main types of websites: content and e-commerce. Content sites provide unique content like articles, tips, news, and forums. On the other hand, e-commerce sites sell products or services. The approach to SEO is similar for both types of places, but it’s important to note that there are some inherent issues with SEO on e-commerce sites. Content sites usually have more textual content, making it easier to gain organic search referrals. In contrast, e-commerce sites produce fewer organic search referrals unless someone searches for a specific product. However, with proper SEO, e-commerce sites can rank high in search engines and generate excellent organic search referrals. A web designer must understand

Additionally, web designers should watch their competition and learn from it. By monitoring competitors, designers can learn about site layout, content, and essential SEO elements like meta titles, descriptions, and keywords.

When considering a hosting company, it is essential to consider various factors, mainly SEO. The individual in question ensures that they can modify their content to optimise search engine results.

  1. Upload Website pages he made by himself.
  2. Provide some services and accessible tools.
  3. Use the company’s traffic research tool.
  4. Use a log-analysis tool to display how many people visit his site and how they get there.
  5. Use his domain name.
  6. Search engines read URLs, looking for keywords in them; when a Web designer chooses a domain name, he should consider some more important factors:
  7. Domain names should be small, easy to spell, and comfortable to remember.
  8. We should get the .com version of a domain name. Besides traditional web development tools like HTML and Cascading Style Sheets(CSS), new tools like Drupal, Joomla, WP, and SEO implementing agencies exist.

2.6.1 Drupal 

Drupal is an open-source software maintained and developed by a vast community of over 630,000 users and developers. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows anyone to download and share it. This open development model ensures that Drupal is always up-to-date and supports the latest web technologies. The Drupal project’s principles prioritise modularity, standards, collaboration, and ease of use. The Drupal SEO Tools module seamlessly integrates sophisticated search engine optimisation tools into your website. It provides a dashboard that combines analytics reports with links to essential Drupal SEO modules and webmaster tools.

2.6.2 Joomla

Joomla is a highly sought-after content management system (CMS) in the current market. When selecting a CMS for web development, it is essential to consider the impact of search engine optimisation (SEO). Specifically, it is necessary to assess the CMS’s level of SEO-friendliness and its ability to facilitate incorporating SEO-focused content onto web pages.

2.6.3 WordPress 

The WordPress SEO Plugin is a tool that optimises WP blogs for search engines. This Plugin boasts an array of features that contribute to its effectiveness, including but not limited to:

  1. Support for custom post styles
  2. Advanced canonical URLs 
  3. ONLY Plugin to provide SEO integration for WP e-commerce websites 
  4. Support for CMS-style WP installations 
  5. Automatically optimises your titles for every search engine. 
  6. Generates META tags automatically 
  7. It avoids the typical duplicate content found on WP blogs. 
  8. For newbies, you don’t even have to look at the options; it works out of the box. Just install. 
  9. For advanced users, you can fine-tune everything. 
  10. You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you desire.

2.7 Summary

This chapter has provided a comprehensive overview of search engines, SEO, and CMS. It has explained the different types and classifications of search engines and their functioning. Additionally, this chapter has defined the significance of SEO, its concepts, components, and various kinds of websites. In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into the literature review and survey of previous research, studies, and developments in search engine optimisation.

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