Table of Contents


6.1 Introduction

SEO involves adding keywords to your website and optimising its content. Off-site factors are also essential, such as having links to your website on other reputable web pages. This can positively affect your search engine rankings. Off-page optimisation refers to actions taken outside your website to increase its performance in search engine results for specific keywords. Different ways to achieve this include submitting your website to articles, announcements sites, newsletters, and social bookmarking. You can also contact association sites, ask friends, family, employees, and other websites to share your content and participate in forums and discussion groups. Additionally, using plugins can help optimise off-site factors such as social media and RSS feeds. Understanding that SEO is a holistic approach involving on-site and off-site factors is critical.

6.2 Using Yaost WordPress SEO Plugin off-site optimisation: 

Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin has been utilised to set  Website Social, RSS settings and other purposes. It is an essential part of off-site optimisation.

6.2.1 social 

Social allows users to add Facebook Open Graph metadata and provides insight into relevant information about their app, as seen in Figures 6.1 and 6.2, showcasing’s Facebook and Twitter settings. 

Yoast WordPress SEO Facebook
Figure6.1: Yoast WordPress SEO Facebook
Yoast WordPress SEO Twitter
Figure6.2: Yoast WordPress SEO Twitter

6.2.2 RSS

I want to use the RSS Footer Plugin to incorporate links to my homepage, post, and author page. This functionality will prove particularly beneficial in safeguarding my content against unauthorised use by spammers leveraging RSS scrapers. The plugin will automatically supply a reference to the source of the data, thus providing a valuable tool for maintaining the integrity of my content.

6.3 Summary

This chapter has discussed a pivotal factor in Off-site SEO, which involves increasing the number of inbound links (IBLs) for a website. Several techniques can be applied to achieve this objective, including Social Bookmarking, Blog submission, Article submission, Press Release submission, RSS submission, and video optimisation. To enhance the off-site factors of, the Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin was utilised for both the social and RSS aspects of the site.


7.1 Introduction

For a successful SEO campaign, it’s essential to make changes, measure their impact, and focus on what works. In this chapter, we’ll be using Google Tools reports to monitor the statistics of the website. Before July 2013, no SEO techniques were applied to the website. However, SEO strategies were implemented by mid-July, resulting in noticeable changes in the statistics. From June 29 to July 29, information about inbound links, internal links, index, and Crawl were extracted from the Google Webmaster Tool Results.

Figure 7.1 shows the Google Webmaster Tool utilised to calculate results.  

Analytics packages to measure result
Figure: Analytics packages to measure the result

7.2 Google Webmaster 

The Google Webmasters site link has been visited, and has been selected, as shown in Figures 7.2 and 7.3, respectively.

"" on Google Webmaster Tool
Figure7.2: “” on Google Webmaster Tool
Webmaster Panel
Figure7.3: “” Webmaster Panel

The “Site Dashboard” tab, depicted in Figure 7.4, offers a concise overview of the website’s current Status. This view includes fundamental details about Crawl Errors, Search Queries, and Sitemap. Further elaboration on this information is provided in subsequent tabs and figures.

"" Webmaster Dashboard
Figure7.4: “” Webmaster Dashboard

7.2.1 Search performance

A researcher must exercise discretion in posting links on their website to obtain a significant traffic volume. Maintaining credibility with site visitors necessitates avoiding linking to spammy sites that deploy pop-up ads, viruses, and other forms of junk. Instead, the researcher should link to reputable sources that visitors can rely on. Google acknowledges this and, therefore, considers inbound links to a website as an essential ranking factor. Search Queries

The data presented in Figure 7.5 illustrates the significant keywords that are driving traffic to the website. The information provided highlights that there were 27,000 impressions and 2500 clicks, among other pertinent details. Moreover, the figure depicts a noticeable increase in these figures when compared to the preceding data. This data is of significant value to businesses and academia, providing insight into the most effective keywords for driving traffic.

Webmaster Top Queries
Figure7.5: “” Webmaster Top Queries Links to Your Site

By Figure 7.6, the researcher has observed a total of “290” inbound links (IBLs) that reference and its corresponding external domains. While it may not be possible for the researcher to identify every link that Google has discovered for the website in question, they will likely be able to locate a more significant number of connections than if they were to perform a search for “link:” via 

Webmaster Links to the Site
Figure7.6: “” Webmaster Links to the Site Internal Links

In Figure 7.7, the researcher has identified the top “340” internal links from out of “65,319” links. It is worth noting that any page that displays no internal links is considered orphaned and requires either linkage within the site or redirection to an appropriate page, should the page in question be an outdated legacy page.

Webmaster Internal Links
Figure7.7: “” Webmaster Internal Links

7.2.2 Google Index 

The Basic tab displays the cumulative total of all website URLs that Google’s search engine has crawled. However, it should be noted that not all of the URLs that are crawled are indexed. This tab provides information on the number of currently indexed pages, giving valuable insights into the website’s overall search engine optimisation performance. Index Status

According to Figure 7.8, “198,741” web pages belonging to have been indexed. The researcher has observed a consistent increase in indexed pages since 2012, indicating that newly added content is being discovered, crawled and indexed by Google. This information confirms that the website is being optimised for search engines, allowing for greater visibility and accessibility to potential users.

 Webmaster Index Status
Figure7.8: “” Webmaster Index Status

7.2.3 Crawl

The assessment of page reading speed by crawlers can be conducted through the crawl process. It is expected to observe occasional spikes; however, if there is a consistent decrease in pages crawled or an increase in the time spent downloading or page size, the researcher should investigate thoroughly. This could indicate a change on the website, such as adding a new partner module that has increased the website’s footprint and necessitates further examination. Crawl Stats

Figure 7.9 shows that has an average of 10,250 pages crawled daily, with an average of 97,456 kilobytes downloaded daily. Additionally, the average time spent downloading a page is 1,996 milliseconds.  

Webmaster Crawl Status
Figure7.9: “” Webmaster Crawl Status Sitemaps

The presented data in Figure 7.9 reveals that daily, the website undergoes an average of 10,250-page crawls and downloads an average of 97,456 kilobytes. The average duration for page downloads is approximately 1,996 milliseconds.

Google Webmaster Sitemaps
Figure7.10: “” Google Webmaster Sitemaps

7.3 Summary

This chapter has utilised powerful Analytics packages to gauge outcomes, specifically Google Webmaster Tools. The tool comprises three fundamental components: Traffic, Index, and Crawl. Traffic encompasses Search queries, Links to sites and Internal Links. Index, conversely, includes Status, while Crawl includes Status and Sitemap.

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